I am writing this letter to inform you regarding the change in my salary transfer account. I am Adam Robe and working as a marketing manager assistant in your company. It has been five years now since I am working here. The salary I get each month is 5,000$ together with allowances. Because of some reason, I have closed the bank account that was in my use earlier. My old account number was [123-0000000] and due to technical issues, I cannot move further with it. I want you to transfer the salary for this month to my new account.
My new account number is [X] and is in XYZ Bank. You are requested to streamline my previous salary transfer account and update it to the new account as mentioned above. You can let me know if you want any formation to ease and facilitate the process. For your ease, the details of my new account are attached to this letter.
As far as I know, this process is not a hard ordeal. Keeping in view the above-described situation I hope that you will bring my request into consideration and will do something in this regard. The new month is about to start and the salaries are transferred to accounts on the 2nd of each month. It would be trouble for me if you do not update my salary account to a new account. I hope that my request will be heard and you will do something about this. This would be a great act of kindness on your behalf.
Adam Robe

Subject: Changes in salary account
Dear Mr. Brik,
Hope you are doing well and everything is doing great around the corner. I am Mark Twain, the director of the finance department, and have been providing my services in your company for the past seven years. I am penning down this letter to intimate you about the change in my salary transfer account. My previous bank account has been hacked and due to this, I have made a new bank account in XYZ bank having account number [X]. I am informing you this well before time because our salaries are about to come and I want you to update my previous account with a new one.
I was getting 8500$ salary per month excluding the allowances and my previous account number was [X]. You are requested to refurbish my previous salary transfer account and update it with the new account as described above. You can let me know if you want any formation to ease and expedite the process. For your ease, the details of my new account are affixed with this letter. Due to a change in the bank account, I request you to change my bank record as well and update it with the present one. I have also attached copies of all the required documents with this letter. I request you to put it in action as soon as possible and inform me via email or letter that either you have updated my salary transfer account or not.
As far as the process of updating the salary transferred account is concerned it is not a tough task. Keeping in view the above-stated situation I hope that you will give my request a kind contemplation and will do something in this respect. The new month is coming ahead and the accounts department transfers salaries to accounts on the 3rd of each month. It would be inconvenient for me if I do not get a salary for my new bank account. Thank you.
Yours truly,
Mark Twain